Join Hesara Organization

Welcome to Fix Organization. We are writing to you as Fix Organization Team to let you know that we would like you to become a member. We believe that everyone should have the chance to join and to participate. We are pleased to welcome you into the chance of working, volunteering, experience and learning opportunities.

Fix organization is a non-profit organization, dedicated to serving communities for achieving better life prospects through education, empowerment and the rule of law. We also collaborate with organizations and individuals that assist us in implementing projects addressing the needs of the communities on multiple levels. As an organization, we identify projects with a proven track record of success, and we work to bring these projects to vulnerable populations.

Fix Organization is a member supported, non-profit organization, making your membership vital in sustaining our public interest projects. Every additional voice that we can add would make Fix stronger. Additionally, we know that there are different opinions on the directions that Fix follow at times.  there is always room for new ideas in our organization we are delighted to give everyone chance to bring and participate new projects.

We are pleased that you are considering joining us. Please find our Membership Application Form attached to this email. After filling out the application form, please submit it directly to

Please let us know if we can provide any other additional information. We can be reached at We look forward to hearing an encouraging response from you.



On behalf of Fix Organization Team

Membership support is going directly to research project. We appreciate your help!
